Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Its a man's world...

...At least on this island.

Today, I had an interesting talk with one of my teachers. He is planning on visiting the island of nokonoshima, which is about 1-2 hours away from Oshima (island where I teach).

THe interesting thing about this island is that women are not allowed on it, they can come to the harbour but that is as far as they are allowed. Men on the otherhand are welcomed, but they must wash in the sea before venturing on land.

Of course I asked,"if women are not allowed on the island, who lives on it?" the answer was fast coming.."One man", a priest. Apparently, there are three godesses in this area and they really don't like competition; they want the men to themselves.

Guys, take a trip and tell me what she is offerring over there, that keeps men visiting for centuries.

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